Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Opinion Interlude

I don't pretend to know any key details about Elana Kagan's jurisprudence. I do know one thing though. The bleeding heart Liberals (among who's company I count myself), and the Elitist Conservatives are both bitching about her. Right on. confirm her.

I am two levels of commitment short of a radical environmentalism. I support gays and pretty much everyone else doing exactly what they want, as long as it doesn't infringe on others. And I'm not talking about others' feelings. I mean their Rights. I think Republicans are pussies because they don't have the stones to become Libertarians (a group that really might be able to check the Left). I think Democrats are pussies, just because they are.

However, the judiciary has to be moderate. No matter what. The Supreme Court should be made up of nine moderates. The fastest way to affect that is nominating moderates. You cannot balance a court of nine with an equation of extremists. I'm no mathematician, but I cannot divide nine evenly. Obama has done the right thing. If the talking heads are right about Kagen, she's perfect. Sign her up.

Changing the subject....

The only thing good about the loss of a deep sea drilling rig, and the lives of eleven human beings, and the tragedy of millions of gallons of oil wrecking the Gulf Coast, is that the sacrifice might give us pause. We must stop drilling!! And we must reduce our dependence on any oil, not just foreign oil. BP will pay big money for this spill. But they will never be accountable for all of the damage, because even if we drove them out of business, they can't pay the tab! The fact is we owe the tab, because we drive cars. We've created the demand that makes this kind of drilling feasible. So, if the Senate wants BP, Trans Ocean, and Haliberton to take a bath, we've gotta jump in with them. We probably won't, and they probably won't, and we'll prolong the inevitable, like the Greeks. Ask them how that's going.

We have got to change our lifestyle. A few Priuses and some rain barrels are not going to do it. Not only are we soiling our nest. People are dying. People are dying!! Miners in West Virginia, drillers in the Gulf. The pelicans, marshes, beaches, and seafood are a tragedy. The loss of life is unacceptable, even by Conservative standards.

The Greek Prime Minister stands no chance of being reelected after demanding that his people pull their heads out of the sand, or their asses. No American politician will be reelected either, if they do what any sensible person knows is right. If we keep demanding that everyone else make the sacrifices but us, we will make no progress. And slowly, suffocating in figurative spilled oil, or quickly in a figurative explosion, we will be gone.

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